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Residential Care

Case study: Kisimul Group

Kisimul Logo BlackKisimul Group Limited is consolidating its data, increasing visibility, and driving continuous improvement with Radar Healthcare

Kisimul Group Limited provides specialist care, support, and education for children, young people, and adults with autism, learning disabilities, and complex needs, including behaviours of concern. In total, the organisation is made up of 42 sites, located across the UK, employing approximately 780 workers, and providing care for 260 residents.

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Andrew Stevens, Development Director, to discuss how Radar Healthcare’s risk, quality, and compliance software has allowed Kisimul to move away from time-consuming, paper-based methods to digital ways of working, improving overall efficiencies organisation-wide.

Summary of success

  • Add real value to their reporting

    With Radar Healthcare, Kisimul Group can start looking at data in detail, reviewing the trends and risks, and pulling out information which will be invaluable to the team.

  • Increased near misreporting

    Since implementing digital event reporting with Radar Healthcare, we can take lessons learned from near misreporting and put actions in place to prevent real accidents and injuries arising.

  • One source of truth

    The different modules allow a centralised view of all risk, quality, and compliance processes and will integrate across the organisation to provide staff with informative data to track themes, spot trends, and help drive continuous improvement.

  • Removed paper-based methods for reporting

    Moving away from paper-based methods has freed up more time for operational staff to do what they do best – caring for and supporting their residents.

Download our Kisimul Group case study

Choosing the right solution

Kisimul spent their time reviewing the various solutions on the market and originally searched for a system that offered audit functionality. Shortly after Andrew and his team concluded that Radar Healthcare ticked all the boxes and more. Then after reassessing the wider needs of the business, they discovered that Radar Healthcare’s all-in solution was equipped with an abundance of tools to support further operations.

After a fairly lengthy process of reviewing the various solutions on the market, we concluded that Radar Healthcare had everything – and more – that we were looking for and needed. Originally, we were just looking at the Audits module within Radar Healthcare, but as we reviewed our needs, we realised that a lot of them could be met by the other modules that the system provides. For instance, the Incidents and Events module is something that we are really impressed with, and we are looking forward to connecting this with the audit module.”
– Andrew Stevens, Development Director

Before Radar Healthcare, Kisimul used large and cumbersome spreadsheets to record and report on data. Like many organisations, Kisimul found using paper-based methods for reporting outdated, time-consuming, and high risk for errors and duplication.

As Kisimul are extremely passionate about providing excellent care to their residents and are keen to continuously improve, there was a real need for a digital solution that captured data centrally and provided insightful analytics to help make more accurate and strategical data-driven decisions.

“One of the main drivers for transitioning to digital processes was the ability to be able to properly analyse data, spot trends, and then learn from this and make decisions based on the results. Without a solution that automatically manipulates data for you, reporting on what is working well and understanding what could do with improvement becomes difficult, very labour intensive, and potentially inaccurate. Having one solution that centrally stores everything from our audits, incidents, events, improvement plans, and more, not only increases visibility, improves efficiency, and is financially savvy, but it frees up our operational staff’s time, allowing them more time to do their primary role of providing excellent care and support to our residents.”

Andrew Stevens, Development Director, Kisimul Group

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Finding a system that works for everyone

One of the big drivers for moving away from paper-based methods was too free up more time for their operational staff to do what they do best – caring for and supporting their residents. So, when searching for the right solution, Andrew and his team really wanted something that would be user-friendly and easily implemented by their workforce.

“I think one of the main things that stood out for us was the system was extremely user-friendly and easy to adopt for everyone in our organisation. We have found that even people that are not as digitally inclined have found the system easy to use – and this, of course, was a key objective, as we needed to make sure that the solution, we implemented could be easily adopted by all our colleagues.”  – Andrew Stevens, Development Director

As well as finding the system easy to use, their team, from IT to operational, has feedback that they are extremely impressed with how flexible and customisable Radar Healthcare is, making it easier to implement and learn the system quicker.

“We were pleasantly surprised with how flexible and adaptable the system is to our needs – particularly when building out forms. Based on my understanding of other systems and previous experience of using software, we assumed we would be presented with something a lot more rigid and something that we would need to adapt our procedures to meet the requirements of Radar Healthcare. When in fact what has happened is we are given the ability to do both. We can adapt the system to our needs and take more of a hybrid approach – which is definitely something that has helped our staff to quickly understand how to use the software.”

Andrew Stevens, Development Director, Kisimul Group

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Working alongside a dedicated team to drive success

“The customer service has been brilliant. From our first conversation about Radar Healthcare to our regular catchups with our Project Manager, we have been listened to and supported. Everyone we have spoken to has been very dedicated and passionate about helping us get the most out of the system. I would also like to call out your Project Manager, Craig Rainford, who helped us on our journey. He has offered advice where appropriate, answered all our queries, has not dictated how we need to do things, and fully understood what our own internal commitments are and worked with us based on that. So yes, from the very beginning, there has been a lot of support, which we have very much appreciated, as sometimes you are not given that.” Andrew Stevens, Development Director

As Kisimul enters the end stages of rolling out its final module, they could not praise Radar Healthcare’s customer support enough. Having dedicated support when needed, a hands-on approach to learning, and a gradual development in skills gave their workforce the confidence they needed in the product and has helped them onboard and implement the software easier and quicker.

“As my first project delivery for Radar Healthcare, Kisimul will always be one that I remember. Working with Andrew and the rest of the project team has been both interesting and rewarding. They have always been extremely keen to get the most out of Radar Healthcare and maximise the benefits to their organisation. Following the successful implementation, I am proud and pleased to hear the positive impact the system is making within their organisation, and look forward to seeing more of how they continue to make a difference to the people they support every single day.”

Craig Rainford, Project Manager at Radar Healthcare

Everything Kimisul needs and more…

Kisimul has implemented Radar Healthcare’s Audits, Incident and Event Management, Action and Improvement Plans, Risk Management, and Analytics. The different modules allow a centralised view of all risk, quality, and compliance processes and will integrate across the organisation to provide staff with informative data to track themes, spot trends, and help drive continuous improvement.

Even in the initial stages of using the modules, particularly the Incidents and Events module alongside Action Plans and Risk Registers, Andrew and the team have seen the immediate positive impact it has on their reporting processes.

“Prior to Radar Healthcare, near misreporting was proving a little difficult to embed within our organisation because we were using a lot of paper documents and we were having to manipulate the data from spreadsheets. Since implementing digital event reporting with Radar Healthcare, we have had a lot more near misreporting – which is actually a good thing, because it means we can take lessons learned from it and put actions in place to prevent real accidents and injuries arising.” Andrew Stevens, Development Director

Alongside the various risk, quality, and compliance modules, Radar Healthcare’s analytics allow Kisimul to add real value to their reporting – and the team are really looking forward to diving deep into the data to drive positive change.

Even in the initial stages of using the modules, particularly the Incidents and Events module alongside Action Plans and Risk Registers, Andrew and the team have seen the immediate positive impact it has on their reporting processes.

“Something we are really excited about is Radar Healthcare’s analytics functionality. We have never had that real ability to be able to take the data across planned services and start running reports on it - and these reports can be customised and as extensive, as necessary. So that is great that we can start looking at that data in detail, reviewing the trends and risks, and pulling out valuable information – this in-depth insight will be invaluable to us.”

Andrew Stevens, Development Director, Kisimul Group

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What is next for Kisimul and Radar Healthcare?

With the last module rolled out across all locations, Kisimul is just getting started with Radar Healthcare. The next step is to begin learning from the in-depth analytics and reporting functionality to make strategical decisions and understand better which processes are working and which areas need improvement.

“Our experience so far with Radar Healthcare has been great – and we are really looking forward to seeing the difference it will have on our operations and processes. Due to the flexibility of the system, we will constantly be evolving our processes, improving, and learning based on trends. We are looking forward to continuing this exciting journey together.”

Andrew Stevens, Development Director, Kisimul Group

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