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Care Providers

Case Study: Liaise Group Limited

Previously using manual methods including paper and Excel, Liaise Group Limited decided that it was time to go digital. But why did they choose Radar Healthcare?

Russell Day, Head of Quality and Performance, explains his experience of onboarding Radar Healthcare in Liaise Group Limited. Beginning the onboarding process, we discussed how they’ve found their journey so far with Radar Healthcare and any highlights.

Who Are Liaise Group Limited?

Liaise Group Limited is a team of experts in providing the right specialist support for each individual. They help people with a range of needs including learning disabilities, mental health needs and autism.

Through residential care and supported living, Sequence cares for individuals in the 3 different parts of the business:

  • Liaise is based in London and supports those with a high requirement of needs. Focusing on those with learning disabilities, Liaise provides supported living and residential care.
  • Progress Housing is situated in Worthing and helps those with both learning disabilities and physical health needs. They consist of a mixture of residential and supported living.
  • Liaise Loddon is located in Hampshire and Basingstoke, aiding those with relatively high needs of requirement for learning disabilities. Here, they provide only residential living.

Relying heavily on manual processes

Before deciding to use Radar Healthcare, Liaise Group relied heavily upon Microsoft Excel. Here, incidents were logged and then used to create reports. Doubling in size from 120 to 250 beds and they quickly found that Excel couldn’t cope; they needed a more sophisticated system.

Relying on manual processes and spreadsheets meant that tracking actions and lessons learnt were difficult to manage. Incidents sometimes took up to 3 days to be picked up which could result in critical actions being missed.

With nearly 3 years’ worth of data, it seemed like the right time to go digital in order to monitor all parts of the group remotely, so the Area Managers can access documents online, without the need to travel to a service location to collect a physical copy. This will save them both time and money.

“Radar Healthcare strengthens what we do already”

Liaise Group Limited selected Radar Healthcare as they felt it was the perfect fit for them. This was because of the software’s ability to fit with already created business rules and process, along with the flexibility to integrate systems with APIs. Having all Liaise’s processes and documents in one easy to access place was essential for the business to continue running smoothly.

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With Radar Healthcare, Liaise is hoping to achieve greater transparency and tidying of their business processes. They’re looking for assurance that they are continuously compliant without needing to manually check data and reports. Working together, we’ll be able to help them to strengthen what they already achieve.

Furthermore, the analytics provided through Radar Healthcare’s dashboard allows any trends to be spotted quickly and a more proactive approach to these findings can be carried out.

“Radar Healthcare gives us the opportunity to pick out trends quicker than we’ve ever been able to do before”

Looking to the future

Going digital is one step towards the future, but what’s next? Liaise is looking forwards to smoothing out their business processes and continuously improving their quality of care with the support of Radar Healthcare’s software.

Want to learn more?

Read Liaise’s Impact Report

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