We call it the RH Difference


  • Community Care

The social care system is undergoing many challenges. 30% of care professionals leave their jobs every year1, 28% admit to feeling overwhelmed, and 17% experience burnout every day2. In the same breath, there is still lots of positivity and passion within the sector, research shows that 67% of the workforce chose a career in the sector because they are passionate about caring and want to make a real difference (64%)3.

We often hear health and social care professionals say that there is a real need for digital support in many areas of their roles and implementing the right technology could help support their workforce, retain talent, and drive improved outcomes. With that said, our recent survey revealed that 30% of care organisations fear that a lack of knowledge, resources, and budget restraints are blockers in opting for digital support.

Whilst this suggests there are still significant areas of improvement for the industry to make, understanding how the right technology, equipped with the right tools and customer support, can massively elevate some of the day-to-day pressures is crucial for surviving and making a difference in this digital forward world.

Radar Healthcare supports us in making our processes smoother, seamless and more efficient, allowing us to drive up our safety and governance standards, as well as gather data that helps us innovate and adapt. But ultimately it's the human connection that is at the heart of our digitisation. Technology makes such a difference to the lives of our residents and also frees up our people to do what they're passionate about - caring.

Rebecca Pearson, General Manager, Care Services at Bupa Global & UK

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How can risk, quality, and compliance software help your care teams make a real difference?

In a recent study, we asked health and social care professionals which area they struggle with most because of a lack of digital infrastructure. 33% said Audits, 33% said Incident Reporting and 33% said all areas including Data Analytics are where they would benefit from digital support.

By centralising all risk, quality, and compliance processes, data, and communications into one system, teams can streamline operations, encourage collaborative working, and help make more strategic decisions.

Radar Healthcare’s flexible, all-in-one risk, quality, and compliance software has been designed to allow care teams to work more efficiently, freeing up more time to care for their residents and patients and improve care quality.

We believe that when it comes to risk, quality improvement, and compliance, a one size fits all approach simply does not work. Every care home and care group is different, with varying requirements and needs, and that is why Radar Healthcare can be tailored to individual needs, as well as integrate with any other solution for oversight of all care operations.

“We’ve been on a two-year journey to change the culture from being KPI driven to really understanding how learning can provide the highest quality of care to our residents. We’re creating a new innovative insights model and Radar Healthcare is integral to this. We want early warnings and holistic views across our homes. Having that central spine means we can start to have proper conversations around where we can develop meaningful quality improvements and the really exciting element is the insight.”

RH Care Partner, 200+ Homes

Our wide range of interconnecting modules link together to achieve the same goal – to consolidate data, drive safer outcomes, provide wider visibility, and embed continuous improvement. Find everything from Audits, Incident and Event Management, and Action Plans to Workforce Compliance, Risk Management, and more, underpinned by our in-depth analytics tool that automates and identifies trends for better insight – helping you to spot risk and prevent incidents before they even occur.

Together these modules not only increase communication and visibility but also allow care professionals to really see and understand the bigger picture and gain insights for enhanced learning across the whole organisation. We help our partners to measure their success and understand where they can make improvements.

Take our AI-driven Analytics module, for example, teams can reach the highest levels of compliance and CQC ratings by evidencing that they are actively monitoring and actioning improvements off the back of their data. Radar Healthcare’s innovative analytics allows you to build personalised dashboards, to automatically spot trends and themes, removing the need to manually analyse data or wait to report on performance.

"For us, the part of Radar Healthcare that really stood out was the analytics. Everyone expects systems to be able to display data, but what really stood out for us as a wow moment, when we saw something different, is when the smart AI can show you this is what you do now, now let me show you something you don’t know."

Paula Wiggins, Systems Manager at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Want to learn more about how Radar Healthcare can help you make a difference in your resident’s quality of life?

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What is the RH Difference?

Radar Healthcare is one of the most established risk, quality, and compliance software solutions on the market and is widely adopted by many health and social care organisations globally.

We are committed to helping our partners to make a real difference – and do so in a multitude of ways. From our intuitive user experience and secure cloud environment with strong information governance controls to our ever-evolving product and customer-centric approach, we are passionate about creating safer and better outcomes for our partners.

RH Difference symbolises how by making small changes to your compliance processes, with the support of Radar Healthcare, you can make a significant difference to not only your operations and workforce’s productivity but also to your resident’s quality of life.

The introduction of Radar Healthcare across our care group will be invaluable for our residents. By standardising our processes across the group and gathering the right data, our team will quickly and easily be able to demonstrate our robust standards to regulators. The benefits of implementing one single platform such as Radar Healthcare will save time on admin which they can ultimately give back to our residents in the form of care. We’re excited that we can use Radar Healthcare to learn and improve – we want to continue to provide our residents with the best life possible and being able to see immediately what is going on in any of our 19 homes can be shared as best practice to do just that. With the different modules we’re implementing working together, the possibilities are endless.

Julie Rayner, Care Quality Governance and Compliance Director at Hallmark Care Homes

Hallmark Luxury Care Homes

To understand more about how Radar Healthcare can help you and your teams make small changes that have big impacts, then contact our expert team today.

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    1: Care Management Matter: February 2023

    2: Care Management Matters: September 2022

    3: Care Home Professional: March 2023