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Forward thinking company, Radar Healthcare, becomes the first supplier to be fully compliant with PSIMS

23 February 2021


  • Our product
  • Patient Safety
  • Press Release

Always ahead of the curve with our award-winning software, Radar Healthcare have become the first supplier to have passed PSIMS compliance testing with NHS Improvement.


Find out more about our work with NHS Improvement

From Spring this year, a new national Patient Safety Incident Management system (PSIMS) will enter BETA stage. This will replace the current National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS).

With the changes brings a whole host of updates to your risk management system, so you’ll need to plan ahead and understand how these changes will affect you. Whatever happens with your supplier, updating your processes and systems will be required, so looking at the options available to you will be key to your future success.

What’s different about Radar Healthcare?

  • To put simply, no other supplier has been as fast to react. We’ve built our teams and processes to allow us to be agile – meaning we’re able to act quickly when we need to. We want to give our customers the assurance that their software is always compliant.
  • Always ahead of the game – we update our product every two weeks and our product team remain in line with any industry updates that could affect your processes, like PSIMS.
  • While other suppliers will require you to change your processes to fit their software, we offer you an element of customisability, so we fit you, not the other way round.
  • Voted in the top 10% of UK companies for our customer service, you’ll know you’re in safe hands.

Don’t let COVID delay your planning ahead of the upcoming changes – make sure you’re set up to improve outcomes for everyone.

Speak to our team to find out more about our work with NHS Improvement

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