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Making sure people’s voices are heard

13 July 2021

A significant part of the CQC’s new strategy focuses on making sure people’s voices – whether positive or negative – are heard and acted upon. In fact, the CQC says that if a service is not encouraging and enabling people to speak up, it will be seen as unacceptable.

In all walks of life, constructive feedback is a valuable part of continuous improvement. But all too often, three problems arise:

  1. The blame game – team members are often too afraid of repercussions to formally record that something has gone wrong. And instead of trying to understand how the problem occurred, focus can be heavily placed on finding someone to blame.
  1. Lack of action – acting on multiple pieces of feedback from employees, residents, patients, and more, can be time consuming, especially when the feedback comes from a variety of sources. Even if you have the time to pull together all the information, it can be hard to get to the true root cause which makes it difficult to learn from.
  2. Dismissing success – complaints often take centre stage and examples of excellence can take a back seat.

However, when channelled in the right way, the voices of your employees and the people they help are a vital tool in providing the best care possible.

That’s where Radar Healthcare can help.

Radar Healthcare has provided greater visibility of all the good things about our service delivery by streamlining the compliments logging process, the number of compliments logged rose from 9 per year to 1500 per year! Being able to communicate this level of engagement from our services users has had a hugely positive effect on morale and encouraged our team to always strive for better performance.

Fran Driver, Head of Quality and Corporate Governance at Essex Cares

With our software, simple ways to gather concerns, complaints and compliments mean these crucial forms of feedback are logged centrally, and can be reported on and learned from. Integrated action plans can be used to drive improvements, and then reviewed at a local or organisational level to spot trends, best practice and wider learnings.

Our analytics module plays a huge role in this by enabling actions to be triggered directly from your data, in real time. This means there’s no need to trawl through data manually to find issues or wait until the end of the month report to understand performance. For example, utilising a role-based system, you can be sure that any reported complaints, compliments or claims will be immediately assigned to a manager or other appropriate role for action.

Then, when the lessons have been learned, Radar Healthcare provides the communication tools you need to share corrections and best practice effectively.

Discover how Radar Healthcare is helping make sure voices are heard

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