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LFPSE Deadline - what has changed?

07 November 2022


  • Patient Safety


The LFPSE deadline has changed. On 9th May 2023, it was announced that NHS Trusts have until 30th September 2023 to implement Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE). This extension was given following concerns the original deadline was unachievable.

There are a lot of messages being talked about and there has been some confusion over what this means. So, what do organisations need to have in place by 30th September 2023 and what has changed? We’ve covered some of the key information below.

Why has the LFPSE deadline changed?

There have been a lot of conversations about the timeline, with many people saying that the initial Learn From Patient Safety Events deadline of March 2023 to switch was too challenging. There was also concern that there wouldn’t be enough time to transition to an approved LFPSE supplier if they needed to.

NHS England announced that there would be an extension to the original transition timeline of 31st March 2023, however, there are still things which must be in place by this date despite the extension.

What you need to know

By March 31st, 2023, providers must have an LFPSE compliant system in use to test which means:

  • An approved supplier system has been chosen, procured or re-contracted
  • Your chosen system has been installed
  • The testing phase has started
  • Local customisation has begun
  • Training is in place

By 30th September 2023 organisations must:

  • Deployed a full transition to the chosen system
  • Stop submissions to NRLS
  • Go live on LFPSE

In addition to the language used, NHS Trusts expressed concerns about how questions were explained in the system and how the data was extracted. This revised deadline allows extra time for testing and customisation on a local level.

It’s also important to note that as LFPSE is still in beta stage, you still have time to ask for changes. You can do this by emailing: england.patientsafetyhelpdesk@nhs.net

Discover how we can help

There’s no pressure

When there’s a deadline in place, it can be tempting to rush into a decision just to ensure you have something implemented. It’s important that you consider your options and don’t feel pressured into making a decision which won’t benefit you in the long-term – a rushed project can mean poor quality when it comes to the data and outcomes you really need to achieve.

Organisations should also consider frameworks such as PSIRF (also due for implementation in 2023), when looking at suppliers as it is fundamental to underpin this with the system that is chosen.

At Radar Healthcare, we can ensure your testing for LFPSE is set up ahead of the March deadline. You can implement our system in stages, ensuring you do not feel rushed and allowing you to focus on your objectives and what you really need to achieve. We’re passionate about helping you to make a difference and our experts are not afraid to challenge a legacy way of working if we don’t believe it will deliver these for you.

We’re here to help

In 2021, we were the first supplier to achieve LFPSE compliance, working with NHS improvement and Milton Keynes University Trust, which was the first NHS Trust in the UK to go live with the new system. Our experience in understanding the importance of patient safety means we work in collaboration with our NHS partners to ensure our software works around them – we don’t have a ‘one-size fits all’ approach. The implementation of LFPSE and PSIRF are changing the way you do things which is why we’re here to help you to make a difference and ensure you have what you need to improve your patient outcomes.

You can learn more about our partnership with Milton Keynes University Trust and how we helped them to be the first NHS Trust to go live with LFPSE here.

Alternatively, if you wish to chat with a member of our team to see how we can help you to implement the system for test phase by the required deadline of 31st March 2023, book a demo below.

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