Season 1: EP 004: The Road to Improved Patient Safety Part 1

05 May 2022


  • Season One

Transforming NHS Patient Safety: The Journey from NRLS to LFPSE  

In this podcast episode, Mark Fewster, Chief Product Officer at Radar Healthcare, joins Marcos Manhaes from NHS Improvement and Paul Ewers from Milton Keynes University Hospitals NHS Trust to discuss this crucial journey from NRLS to LFPSE.

This week’s guests delve into the limitations of legacy systems, the benefits of automation, and the promising future of patient safety in the NHS.

Highlights include:

🚀 The LFPSE project aims to address the limitations of old legacy systems, such as manual processes and data reconciliation issues. By automating processes and improving data quality, healthcare organisations can save time and make better use of patient safety information.

🌐 A community hub for collaboration allows healthcare providers to share insights and learn from each other’s experiences. This will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of patient safety and facilitate the implementation of improvements across the NHS.

📊 Real-time access to patient safety information will enable quicker analysis and the identification of trends and patterns. This will empower healthcare organisations to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to improve patient outcomes.

🛠️ By engaging with users and continuously improving the system based on their feedback, the NHS aims to ensure a user-friendly experience and tangible benefits in terms of patient safety and outcomes.

🤖 The integration of risk management systems and the use of machine learning for data analysis will enable more accurate identification of risks, better monitoring of data quality, and the generation of valuable insights for healthcare providers.

Watch the podcast interview with Marcos, Paul and Mark


Topics covered:

  • Legacy system limitations: Addressing manual processes and data reconciliation issues
  • Community collaboration: Sharing insights and learning across healthcare providers
  • Real-Time data access: Enabling quicker analysis and proactive decision-making
  • Machine learning integration: Enhancing risk identification and data quality monitoring

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