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Going digital with dental compliance – advice from our specialists

28 January 2021


  • Dentistry
  • Primary Care

As with all health and social care organisations, dental groups are feeling the strain of the current global pandemic. According to a BBC article, dental services have been pushed to crisis point, leaving people in severe pain. In fact, less than half of NHS dentists surveyed were able to provide routine check-ups in mid-December. 

We caught up with one of our compliance specialists, Chris Sharman, to find out how digital technology can support dental groups in coping with this extra strain. 


Why dental groups are going digital 

Going digital reduces the chance of anything being missed through manual methods. With cloud based dental software, you can ensure that you have the latest version with the newest features every time you login. There’s no need to sift through papers or other over-loaded methods to find any evidence when it comes to dental practice inspections. Instead, you can click a couple of buttons and bring up all the information you need, with real-time oversight. 

Moving to digital ways of working is important to protect your brand reputation. Ensure you’re evidencing your dental practices compliance, no matter how many locations, through your decisions, actions and improvements. This total oversight of all your practices helps ensure that your compliance never slips. 

Dental software also makes the lives of your practice staff easier by automating processes in one easy-to-use system. Your busy Practice Managers can utilise technology to efficiently manage their important tasks, freeing up  time so they can ensure patients have the best possible experience in your care. 


Why dental groups choose Radar Healthcare 

At Radar Healthcare, our software is so powerful it will help make your dental care organisation shine bright. We cover off all of the functionality mentioned so far, plus so much more. Check out our dental compliance software page to see our features in more detail. A few of these include dental audits, state of the art analytics, workforce compliance and more. 

A recent customer, Portman Dental Group, had been recommended Radar Healthcare by a new member of their senior team who had used our software in their previous organisation. 

“We have 145 dental practices spread across the country and most of them were still using spreadsheets for reporting and audits, which makes it difficult to monitor what’s happening. What we really liked about Radar Healthcare was that it was a configurable system – meaning we can use our own audits and digitise them – we don’t have to change them to fit a system.”

Glen Curry, Head of Regulatory, Portman Dental

My recommendations for getting started with digital compliance 

Moving from a manual to digital way of working can seem daunting, but that doesn’t need to be the case. I’d advise taking it step by step, everything doesn’t need to be done in one go. Getting your digital processes set up correctly in the first place will save so much time later down the line. 

It’s important to engage your team with your new system, by highlighting how it will make their lives easier and allow them to focus on the things they joined the dentistry career for – caring for patients! 

Another recommendation from me is once you know what you’re looking for, research to find the right system for your organisation. Remember that it isn’t only the product to consider, it’s also other aspects like ongoing support. Radar Healthcare’s software is flexible around your processes, making it a smoother transition to shift to digital. We all appreciate a little help, especially right now; let us be that help for you. 


Go digital with dental compliance 

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