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'Change is afoot' - in conversation with one of our NHS specialists

19 July 2021

Half-way through the year, we catch up with Terry Murphy, one of our NHS specialists, to discuss wow moments, the current conversation, and how change is afoot in the world of NHS tech…


Care after Covid

“The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the rapid adoption of digital technology in the NHS and significant changes in the delivery of services more widely. The knock-on effect has caused the NHS to consider whether what they had previously is suitable of the new modern world we find ourselves in. That’s the basis of many of the conversations I’m having with NHS teams now.

I spend most of my time speaking to NHS professionals, showing them everything modern technology can do. And I’m getting the sense that real change is afoot. NHS Trusts in particular are talking about what else they need from their technology and are interested in how more intelligent functionality can help them.

Like many of us, they’re tired of the old ways of working – we did it because we didn’t have time to change. But the pandemic forced us to see things differently and now healthcare teams are excited about what new technology can help them do. There’s also been a surge in patient uptake of remote health services, including registrations for the NHS App, NHS login and e-prescription services.


Supporting recovery

Recently, I’ve been asked a lot about what cloud-based software means for the NHS – particularly around security but also how it’s enabling teams to work in a more agile way helping to take away the unnecessary burden older, less flexible technology can place on NHS teams. Staff burnout is a very real risk for our healthcare teams, and I’m having lots of conversations about how technology can aid the work of individuals while also supporting recovery of service.

Patient safety is obviously on our customers’ minds at all times, and the intelligent analytics our software provides to support that is really interesting to people. Translating information from ‘ward to board’ is always part of the conversation, as is building board assurance frameworks and managing risk – all of which we can do within one modern system.

I believe that great technology like ours can make a huge impact in healthcare teams. What we have makes the lives of staff easier, improves safety, and ultimately impacts the lives of patients - and I care about those things. After all, at the end of everything we do at Radar Healthcare, there’s a person needing help. And tomorrow that could be you or I.

Terry Murphy - NHS specialist at Radar Healthcare


The road to Radar Healthcare

Most of our new customers get in touch through recommendations and that speaks volumes.

People genuinely say ‘wow’ when they see Radar Healthcare because our software is very different to what most teams are used to. It’s visually appealing and easy to use, but the way our functionality saves time is what people really enjoy.

I’m often asked how processes and ways of working would need to change when moving to Radar Healthcare but our software fits to what you need, not the other way round. People are usually surprised by that.

I liken Radar Healthcare to buying a Saville Row suit – we bring you in, we measure you up and send you away with a custom fit. But you can always come back to take it in or let it out should things change. We’re all about giving you something that’s right for you, and we also provide best practice options to help get you started.


Partnership working

Our relationships make us stand out as a business – we build a true partnership around a great product. Our senior leaders remain hands on, so you get to meet them and benefit from their expertise first-hand.

We know that when implementing a new piece of software, people and processes are as important as the software itself. Our customers receive a dedicated project manager from day one to help with this, as well as a range of onboarding resources to help engage their teams.

But our partnership working doesn’t stop when your system is in place – our customer success managers are on hand to continue the support and we also have various mechanisms to gather your ongoing feedback, including requests for new features.



Passion for people

The pandemic has given us all an opportunity to reflect on our careers, habits, personal lives, and much more. For me, it’s been a reminder of how lucky I am to work in a role that keeps me excited. I know why I get up every morning

I believe that great technology like ours can make a huge impact in healthcare teams. What we have makes the day-to-day easier for staff, improves safety, and ultimately impacts the lives of patients – and I care about those things.

After all, at the end of everything we do at Radar Healthcare, there’s a person needing help. And tomorrow that could be you or I.”


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Terry Murphy

Terry’s worked in and around the NHS for close to 30 years, having joined healthcare in 1992 as a network manager in East London. Since then, he’s worked with a range of healthcare technology companies providing solutions for primary and secondary care teams.

When he’s not talking about tech, you’ll find him cycling in France or spending time with family.