Primary Care

Case Study: BEDOC

We recently spoke with Clinical Services and Governance Manager, Lesley Quinn about BEDOC’s experience since implementing Radar Healthcare.  

Lesley has worked in nursing for over 30 years, and at BEDOC for 7 years beginning as a nurse practitioner covering minor illnesses in nursing homes, progressing to lead nurse, and now taking on the role of governance.

Lesley oversees BEDOC’s CQC registration, ensuring that incidents and complaints are appropriately reported and investigated with the help and support of her team.

With 38 GP practices serving patients across four locations in Bedfordshire, it was crucial for BEDOC to establish a clear oversight across all locations in order to encourage governance improvement and support their local ICB.

They turned to Radar Healthcare to help them support their growing team and streamline their incident and event reporting, audit management, and risk register.

Incident reporting made simple

Since using Radar Healthcare, BEDOC has found that reporting has never been easier. Instead of trawling through pages of difficult-to-read spreadsheets and making manual calculations, the information they need is right there for them, making it quicker than ever before to find the right data.  

‘Previously, we used spreadsheets, so you had a lot of emails circulating, which often resulted in wasted time trying to find them. In contrast to Radar Healthcare, everything is in one place, and you have a record of what was done, when, by whom, and how your investigation was handled. And I think that's crucial for reporting’

Lesley Quinn, Clinical Services Governance Manager at BEDOC

Helping in more ways than one 

Although BEDOC first approached Radar Healthcare for help streamline their reporting process, after spending some time with Radar Healthcare’s Business Development Manager, Terry Murphy, they soon found other areas of the system which would also work for them. They now use the events module alongside risks and audits to get a complete picture. 

"The audit schedule used to be on a spreadsheet, and I had to chase people every month to ask if they’d completed their audit. Now, they receive an email, and I am notified automatically when it’s completed. And that's it, it’s so much easier."

Lesley Quinn, Clinical Services Governance Manager at BEDOC

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Since implementing Radar Healthcare, BEDOC has seen a rise in the number of staff reporting incidents. By centralising their reporting processes the team have wider oversight of past and current reports, increasing communication and collaboration, as well as simplifying locating correspondences and emails that might have previously been impossible to keep track of. 

"Our system before was quite clunky, and it put people off reporting. Because we’ve made it really easy for our staff to report, we are getting more reports coming in."

Lesley Quinn, Clinical Services Governance Manager, BEDOC

Making governance easier 

"If we can put it on Radar Healthcare, we will because it will be all evidence when the CQC comes along."

Lesley Quinn, Clinical Services Governance Manager, BEDOC

Lesley told us about the most recent governance report she was working on for BEDOCs Annual General Meeting. She described how, since implementing Radar Healthcare, the analytics have been easy to find and take note of, as opposed to previous data that was extremely difficult to find, making completing the report a much longer. 

"I had to trawl through all those old spreadsheets again from September to May for the report, manually counting how many incidents we had and separating them out because there was no separation between types of incidents. That taught me how much simpler Radar Healthcare’s system is."

Lesley Quinn, Clinical Services Governance Manager at BEDOC

Radar Healthcare has enabled BEDOC to streamline their incident and event recording, audits and risk register, simplifying their processes for the better. 


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