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The big reveal – what intelligent tech is showing healthcare teams like yours

09 July 2021

It doesn’t matter how much you think you know or what you’re being told about your services, until you get a digital solution you don’t know for sure.

*Russell Day - Head of Quality and Performance at Liaise Group Limited

You can’t fix problems you can’t see. And working with some of the largest healthcare organisations in the UK and internationally, we know that real-time oversight is imperative to running a safe and efficient service.

But disparate teams, multiple services, and fragmented reporting can cast a dark cloud over your ability to see the true reality of how your healthcare organisation is performing.

That’s where Radar Healthcare can help

Whether replacing manual methods, consolidating multiple systems, or simply upgrading tired processes, intelligent technology like ours is here to provide the oversight you need to gain true insight into operational performance.


Seeing clearly

One real-life example comes from Sanctuary Care, who offer high quality services for the elderly, including residential, nursing and dementia care. They have 100 care homes, 4,400 residents and 6,300 employees. Julia Rice, Business Compliance Manager for Sanctuary Care, told us:

“Radar Healthcare has transformed the way Sanctuary Care uses systems and how we access our data, within our homes and across our central teams. Prior to Radar Healthcare, we were operating eight systems with lots of information that were not really talking to one another, which took valuable time in keeping up-to-date and finding the information we need.

Radar Healthcare has given us the means to see sight of the bigger picture, that not only connects the dots for us internally, but has made our operations more efficient, and in turn increased our compliance support with external regulators. At Sanctuary, we are passionate about innovative technologies and Radar Healthcare is a big part of that.” 


Connecting the dots

With Radar Healthcare, our easy-to-use dashboards and reporting keep you up to date on operational performance in real time at the click of a button. On top of this, our smart technology reveals business insights that would have otherwise been hidden. For example:

  • AI driven smart KPIs – our software uses machine learning to identify and keep on top of key performance indicators. You’ll receive automatic notifications when something needs your attention in three ways: based on your own thresholds; when anomalies are automatically detected; or ‘always on’ updates.
  • Intelligent analyticsRadar Healthcare has been built to ensure action is taken when your data flags an issue. Clever linking of action plan items with our audit and incident functionality allows multiple actions to be linked – closing the loop between non-conformities and required improvements. This enables you to build up a bigger picture view of how events and audits are linked, making it easier to understand trends and actions to efficiently rectify issues. Our analytics also helps you identify best practice and quickly act on areas of concern – supporting quality improvement and compliance at every level of the organisation.
  • Flexible and configurable unlike other healthcare tech, Radar Healthcare has been designed to flex to your business processes, not the other way round.

*Quote taken from our recent webinar – Covid, Care and digital technology: where do we go from here?

"For us, the part of Radar Healthcare that really stood out was the analytics. Everyone expects systems to be able to display data, but what really stood out for us as a wow moment, when we saw something different, is when the smart AI can show you this is what you do now, now let me show you something you don’t know."

Paula Wiggins, Systems Manager at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

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