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NHS safety expert Professor Mike Bewick joins Radar Healthcare

14 January 2020


  • Company updates

Professor Mike Bewick, the former NHS England deputy medical director and lead for many NHS patient safety initiatives, has joined Radar Healthcare to act as strategic advisor to the quality improvement and compliance software provider.

Professor Bewick will help align the company’s technology solutions to the challenges and priorities within the NHS, drawing on his experience and reputation as a champion for clinical quality and excellence. The professor and former GP has been involved in numerous clinical reviews of NHS patient safety, and is recognised as a technology and innovation specialist.

Radar Healthcare’s software provides health and care providers with real-time visibility of organisational quality and safety performance through a comprehensive platform that digitises operational processes and procedures. This helps to address often complex regulatory and financial challenges by supporting a cycle of continuous improvement to deliver better outcomes and improve patient safety.

To support its healthcare offer, Radar Healthcare is also collaborating with leading healthcare consultancy, EY, to digitise the clinical harm review process within NHS Trusts.

Professor Bewick believes that Radar Healthcare’s approach “can make a marked difference in how the NHS uses technology to transform patient safety”.

He said: “Radar Healthcare connects data at multiple levels which can help NHS organisations more systematically deal with risk.  The first level is about using data as a signal for performance, the second is picking up these signals when things have gone wrong, and the third, handling the intelligence that the data provides to support preventative action planning.

“Such ‘intelligent monitoring’ can give organisations a real edge in being able to translate performance information into a meaningful picture, helping to more easily identify areas of concern.”

Professor Bewick, who is honorary professor of digital health at University of Central Lancashire and served as deputy medical director for NHS England under Sir Bruce Keogh. During this tenure he led the review of children’s cardiac services in Leeds as well as leading two of the inquiries into excess mortality following the Mid-Staffordshire report by Robert Francis. He recognises the potential that Radar Healthcare will offer to provide a systematic approach to using data to support service planning and quality improvement.

“Most people who work intimately in the system realise you are only as good as your data,” says professor Bewick. “Many physicians use data to support the management of their patients where   a decline in their condition can be actioned. We need to systemise this so that constant monitoring of data can improve operational performance and enhance safe care.

Profesor Bewick, who is a mentor to NHS England’s clinical entrepreneurs programme, recognises that it is vital that technology is built from a firm understanding of users and their needs. Being user-driven is the first principle of NHS England’s code of conduct for data-driven health and care technology.

“I think Radar Healthcare delivers one of the few technology solutions that can support both patient outcomes by reducing avoidable harm whilst delivering financial benefit through creating efficiencies and reducing costs including litigation” he says. “It sharpens the messages throughout the organisation about what needs to be done to enhance patient safety, and where to set priorities for investment.”

The appointment of Professor Bewick marks another milestone in the healthcare market for Radar Healthcare, which works on provider digitisation across primary and secondary care, ambulance services, and the private sector.

Radar Healthcare’s CEO, Paul Johnson, welcomes the appointment of Professor Bewick as the software provider looks to further help improve the delivery of health and care across the NHS: “Faced with multiple regulatory and economic challenges, and an overburdened workforce, it is essential that the technology we adopt can help deliver the clinical and operational outcomes to which health and care providers aspire. Mike’s insight and reputation around the use of technology to support quality and safety is invaluable as we further support NHS Trusts on the journey to digitisation.”

Radar Healthcare

Quality and compliance focused software that helps improve the delivery of health and social care, whilst helping you evidence effectiveness and continuous improvement. We know you aspire to be outstanding, so we help simplify the regulatory complexities you face, giving you more time to focus on delivering excellent care. Want to know more? Get in touch with us today, or book a demo of our software here.