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Meet our Customer Success team

30 September 2021

This week we want to introduce you to our Customer Success Managers. The team build long term strategic partnerships with our customers to ensure that they maximise the value of Radar Healthcare. You will first be introduced to your dedicated Customer Success Manager at the same time as your Project Manager, they will work closely with you to ensure a successful onboarding of Radar Healthcare. After your ‘go live’ your Customer Success Manager will work with you to build a plan to ensure you are confident in achieving your goals. They will also be there to help with managing day-to-day issues, capture your product feedback and much more.  

Ongoing support and product maintenance is at the heart of our service delivery because we understand that people and processes are as important as the software itself.  

Meet our Customer Success Managers 


Ellie Jordan


What is your role at Radar Healthcare?  

As a Customer Success Manager my role is to help ensure that all our customers are getting the most out of Radar Healthcare. This involves providing ongoing consultation on the best ways to configure and use the system, reviewing current usage and providing support on training and queries, and being the customer’s voice within Radar Healthcare from point of purchase throughout their time us.  

Why do you love working for Radar Healthcare?  

Radar Healthcare is a fantastic company with a great team, all of whom have a brilliant worth ethic. From top management, right the way through the company, everyone cares and really strives for excellence in their work. Not only that, but the product itself is something that I am really proud to work on and promote, and of course all our customers are a pleasure to work with.  

What’s your favourite thing about working with our customers? 

I have always enjoyed forming strong working relationships and I feel that I have this with our customer base. Being on hand to help support and problem solve, lead them through difficult points and see the positive impact at the other end of the journey is really rewarding. 

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?  

As a new mum to a now nine month old, my spare time is currently spent on baby friendly days out, walks and trips to the stable yard to see our horses.  I am also the musical director of an amateur dramatics society, and (COVID willing!), we will be starting rehearsals again in September for our next musical production.  


Mark Harrison

Mark Harrison

What is your role at Radar Healthcare?  

My role is that of Customer Success Manager, with the overall aim being to help our customers reach their objectives and ensure they get real value from Radar Healthcare. We do this by working with our customers all throughout their journey to ensure that they are confident and knowledgeable and are able to maximise their use of Radar Healthcare.

 Why do you love working for Radar Healthcare?  

Due to their willingness to embrace change. Radar Healthcare do not see change as a problem but rather an opportunity to improve and grow. Which is great for both employees and customers alike. 

What’s your favourite thing about working with our customers?  

Building a relationship with a customer by having empathy for what they experience and gain a real understanding of their pain points. This level of trust means that they listen as we provide advice and guidance which will help them to action those pain points and hopefully drive real change within their organisation.  

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?  

I love sports, in particular rugby union having played, coached, and refereed for the past nearly 40 years. You can usually find me at Yarnbury rugby club most weekends supporting both the senior and junior teams, whilst enjoying a drop of liquid refreshment of course! 

Any other information or quotes from customers who work with you?

“Great staff – we have a monthly call with Mark which is brilliant. We are able to learn about the new aspects of Radar Healthcare and ask any questions we may have.”


Robert Place

What is your role at Radar Healthcare?  

We work with our customers to ensure they achieve their goals and get the most value from Radar Healthcare. We do this through building strong relationships throughout their journey with regular contact ensuring our customers are confident and knowledgeable about our product.

Why do you love working for Radar Healthcare?  

Everyone is so friendly and really care about our product and services!  

What’s your favourite thing about working with our customers?  

Knowing that I do add value in my role and can make an impact to improve the care our customers provide. Whether that’s by problem solving, sharing learnt experiences or through training.   

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?  

Dog obsessed (as is most of Radar Healthcare!), performing in amateur theatre and learning how to sew (and yes Sewing Bee is my favourite show).

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