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How Radar Healthcare is supporting new and existing customers to manage the COVID-19 pandemic

20 April 2020

Over the last few weeks, we have seen the nation, and indeed the world, come together to work through the current crisis.

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the entire health and care ecosystem and we have already seen a surge in the number of people using NHS tech since the start of the outbreak to support the continuity of care; remotely where possible.

NHS organisations and care providers have had to operationalise new ways of working, fast-tracking policies and procedures to support the response; health and care workers have had to take on new roles to manage the increase in demand and support their colleagues who are either ill or self-isolating. The system has had to adapt at pace and scale to deal with the unknown, but there is a huge requirement to be able to understand what’s happening across your organisation, to support you to make critical decisions at this time of uncertainty.

As the situation evolves, our priority has been to support our new and existing customers to understand how our software can support their efforts.

Central repository for all COVID-19-related data

Immediately following the pandemic announcement, we created a new COVID-19 toolkit in Radar Healthcare to help our customers effectively monitor and manage COVID-19 related events.

Misha Fontenot, Quality & Policy Manager of Walsingham Support, a charity that provides bespoke support solutions for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs through extra care, residential care, supported living, transition support and positive behaviour support commented: “Radar Healthcare is our main central location for all COVID-19 data operationally to help us track and monitor our events. We’ve made changes to the standard toolkit release, incorporating a ‘return to work’ workflow to monitor and manage staff absences effectively which has been really useful. It has been a great central, auditable, tool to effectively see services and monitor their progress and KPIs across regions/Manager/etc. We can also pull reports that would otherwise take ages!”

Mike Drakeford, Systems and Governance Manager at Accomplish Group which provides specialist support for people with autism, mental health needs, learning disabilities and acquired brain injuries through therapeutic, residential and supported living services said: “The COVID-19 event is working well – we’ve used it as a means of keeping a record of where there are pockets of staff who are self-isolating, therefore identifying where there are likely to be resource issues. We have also been generating a daily report for HR of any staff who are self-isolating, so that they are aware and can contact those individuals.”

Workforce management

At HealthNet Homecare, supporting their workforce in the fight against Covid-19 was so important. To support and free up the NHS hospitals they work with to prioritise cases, they took on some extra day-to-day tasks. So we helped them create training materials to be communicated out to the workforce within days.

Louise Petcher, Service Quality Manager, said: “Having the support from Radar Healthcare at a time like this has been invaluable. They turned around a number of bespoke requirements for us, that has meant that our staff have been able to quickly understand what they need to, and we’ve been able to free up time for NHS hospitals to deal with an increased need to look after their patients. Without this, it would have delayed the transition of these tasks to us, and that just wasn’t an option for us right now.”

In times like this, having the right tools to provide a digital approach to business-wide training and compliance management is key. We know there’s no one size fits all so your training framework can be customised to include variety of resource items and learning content can be added to training tasks such as documents, videos external links and other related media, including government policy updates.

Data supporting critical decision making

Just three weeks after a project kick off meeting with our team, Methodist Homes (MHA) expedited implementation of Radar Healthcare to mobilise a COVID-19 outbreak event and workflow. With over 7,500 staff supporting over 18,500 older people nationwide, they knew the value the data would have in supporting the team to understand trends as well as the situation within specific localities so were keen to get this up and running as soon as possible.

Rebecca Anthony, Associate Change Manager at MHA said: “When I found out we could use Radar Healthcare to manage and monitor events and see all the data, I was really looking forward to getting started straight away. Although we hadn’t fully used the system yet, it was so easy to work with Radar Healthcare and they got us up in running so quickly, including importing all our users and permissions! Our sites were able to log COVID-19 Outbreak related events so we could start to build a clear picture of where we are at and offer support to affected sites.”

We recognise that having the ability to make quick and critical decisions across your organisation during the pandemic should be influenced by accurate real-time facts. This data gives you a robust picture of how the virus is spreading and where it might spread next, and without this information, there’s little to go on.

Planning for the future

When the spread of the virus slows, and we start to look back at what we’ve learnt, and the changes we need to put in place, having the facts and figures will be vital to that plan. With Radar Healthcare, you’ll be able to pull all of the data surrounding any events, incidents, audit scores and more into easy to understand reports. You can use these reports to drive real change across your business. You’ll have more control, more visibility and the right information to influence your action plans for future improvements.

Radar Healthcare

Quality and compliance focused software that helps improve the delivery of health and social care, whilst helping you evidence effectiveness and continuous improvement. We know you aspire to be outstanding, so we help simplify the regulatory complexities you face, giving you more time to focus on delivering excellent care. Want to know more? Get in touch with us today, or book a demo of our software.