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Employee Takeover: Chloe Weatherhead

25 May 2022


  • Company updates

Radar Healthcare prides itself on providing the best solutions for healthcare organisations, but how much do you know about the people behind our product? You might know Chloe Weatherhead as our Head of Customer Success – here’s an opportunity to get to know her a little more and how she contributes to Radar Healthcare in our quick-fire Q&A!

What is your role at Radar Healthcare?

I am the Head of Customer Experience.

Could you please tell us what a typical day at Radar Healthcare looks like? Chloe and Ludo

There is no such thing as a typical day! I generally work from home, which means that I spend a lot of time with the Chief Distraction Officer (my dog, Ludo).

I spend a lot of time supporting the three Customer Success Teams; the Customer Support Specialists, the Customer Success Managers, and the Project Managers so that they can focus on our customers and give an amazing experience. We work tirelessly to maintain and build upon our customer satisfaction scores. We constantly review our customer journey to ensure that we are offering the best possible experience to our partners. Everyone works hard to ensure that we don’t become siloed from the rest of the business, so internal communication is very important.

I also get involved in our marketing campaigns such as events, podcasts, videos, etc.


Can you describe Radar Healthcare’s company culture in three words?

  • Supportive,
  • determined,
  • and innovative.

What is unique about Radar Healthcare’s customer experience?

We believe, and can evidence, that our system helps people and we are as bought into our partner’s success as they are.

If something doesn’t work we fix it. If we make a mistake, we acknowledge and learn from it. The customer is the focus of everything we do at Radar Healthcare, regardless of which team you work within. Colleagues are as likely to be discussing the customer experience in our Development or Finance teams as they are in the Customer Success team. Our determination to provide an amazing customer experience is at the core of everything we do.

What does a Radar Healthcare partnership look like to you?

An honest relationship based on the foundation of trust and open communication, where all partners are working together to achieve agreed outcomes that will benefit all stakeholders.

Avery and Chloe

You recently spoke with Avery Healthcare at Health Plus Care about their journey through Digital Transformation. Could you please tell us about that experience?

It was a great, though slightly scary, experience. Avery Healthcare has worked so hard to ensure that the system adds value to those working on the front line and their passion, and determination was evident. It made me feel incredibly proud both of Avery Healthcare and the Radar Healthcare team.

As Head of Customer Experience, what was most interesting to learn about Avery Healthcare’s implementation of Radar Healthcare?

I loved their approach to piloting the system and their acknowledgment that taking the time to review existing processes and ask ‘why’ at the start of the project had resulted in a Radar Healthcare system that provides valuable data when required, whilst supporting those working on the front line to provide the highest standards of person-centered care.


Thank you very much, Chloe – it has been a pleasure getting to know you and your role better! Keep an eye out for more Radar Healthcare employee takeovers over on our Instagram page.

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