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Clinical negligence claims costs still rising – with the right technology, they shouldn’t be

18 May 2021

At Radar Healthcare, we always ask our customers the same question – what do you want to achieve with our system? There’s always one common theme; to improve. Whether that’s to be more efficient, save money, reduce complaints or claims or even as simply as needing more assurance.

But with technology in place to drive improvements, why are claim costs still so high?

First, let’s look at the numbers – download them here:

It’s time to make a change. Having the right technology in place is so important to help support you in building a culture of learning and openness. Our next generation technology not only supports the improvement in patient safety, but it makes it easier to understand what’s happening across your organisation – whether you’re a Trust, Integrated Care System or Primary Care organisation.

“The number of cases going into formal litigation has remained stubbornly more or less the same for well over a decade. We have been on a mission to change that. We must do everything we can to learn from what goes wrong. We have to drive investment in safer care, improve things for patients and NHS staff and ultimately reduce the costs of avoidable harm.” Taken from the NHS Resolution 2018/19 report.

With Radar Healthcare, you no longer need to worry about…

  • Logging multiple different incidents which aren’t connected – meaning a manual investigation. E.g. A complaint separately to a mortality review which is still separate to the investigation and results.
  • Manual trawling through disconnected data that’s difficult to understand.
  • Analysing incidents – with Radar Healthcare you can do this in one click.
  • Evidencing and having the assurance that your processes are being followed correctly, and you’ve acted on every incident reported.
  • Analysing departments separately – e.g. understanding why maternity dominates claims costs.
  • How to commit to learning and improvement – the system will enforce that commitment.

There’s so much more that technology can do to support your patient safety strategy and help you to reduce the costs associated to clinical negligence. We want to help you with that journey:

Start your journey to improved patient safety

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