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‘Care for Others. Make a Difference’ – Huge Recruitment Drive in Social Care

10 March 2021


  • Care Providers

old lady with female doctor

Resourcing issues in healthcare have long been a problem, and absence rates in social care workforces have doubled in recent months due to self-isolation, increasing the strain on the sector. As a response, the government launched a nationwide campaign to recruit carers: ‘Care for Others. Make a Difference.’ National recruitment platform Join Social Care has also announced intent to attract 100,000 new candidates to the care sector.  


Why the shortage?

There are a few factors involved, but the primary driver is the historic shortage of care workers colliding with the increased strain COVID-19 has brought. Workers are needing to self-isolate if they have come into contact with the virus and that means resource is spread more thinly across locations. 

Other reasons are summarised in the CQC’s most recent State of Care reportThere needs to be a new deal for the adult social care workforce that reaches across health and care – one that develops clear career progression, secures the right skills for the sector, better recognises and values staff, invests in their training and supports appropriate professionalisation. 


Which opportunities are available?

Both short and long term opportunities to join social care are available. Ideal for jobseekers, volunteers and those on furlough, short term opportunities such as personal care, wellbeing support, and delivering supplies are available. People can register their interest for these.  

The ‘Care for Others. Make a Difference’ campaign is aimed for long-term career opportunities. It focuses on the rewarding nature of social care, and how the roles available are varied and flexible. If you’re interested in either short or long term work in care, read the government’s article for more information: Public urged to consider work in adult social care. 


Where can Radar Healthcare help? 

With so many new carers on the horizon, we wanted to share how Radar Healthcare can support onboarding within your organisation: 


Attracting new carers 

Technology should help both your service users and your employees. By providing the best technology aroundyou’re able to do just that. Making sure your organisation runs efficiently and effectively, your workforce can focus on what they set out to do – provide care. Radar Healthcare can support your organisation is becoming an employer of choice, renowned for utilising the best technology to support your team and the people in your care.  


Onboarding new carers 

It’s in both the new starter and organisation’s best interests that your onboarding process is as quick and efficient as possible. With Radar Healthcare, it’s easy to show your new team member the ropes, giving them the confidence that they have the right tools and information to provide the best care possible. Digital adoption tools, such as built-in guides, make the software simple to use; while automated processes and workflows provide the guidance and assurance your team need to follow regulatory guidelinesYou can also utilise Radar Healthcare as your central source of truth for the latest policies and notices, so your team always know they have the latest information.  

Enabling a skilled workforce 

Your technology should be able to keep track of and show you where each staff member’s training is up to. For example, if one of your locations is short on staff, which staff members in another location are trained in their processes and can go and help? Keep on top of your workforce compliance with Radar Healthcare; quickly set up knowledge checks and additional training for staff where required. The result is a skilled workforce, along with assurance that they have the right knowledge to provide quality care.  


Retaining staff, both new and old 

Engaging your team members in an efficient and caring way of working is paramount in keeping them in your teamRadar Healthcare is praised by both care givers and managers in how efficiently tasks are handled and how quickly getting information out of the system is, contributing to a successful and motivated workforce. 


Are you looking for new carers? 

If your organisation is part of the recruitment drive for new carerstake a look in more detail at how Radar Healthcare can help you onboard them quickly and successfully.  

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