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Audits Webinar Recap: Unlocking Organisational Excellence


  • Audits
  • Webinar

Webinar Recap: A deep dive into aligning your audit programme with your safety compliance and quality initiatives

Did you miss our latest webinar on Radar Healthcare’s Audit Management Tool, titled “Unlocking Organisational Excellence: A deep dive into aligning your audit programme with safety and quality initiatives”?

Here’s a comprehensive recap of the insightful discussions and key takeaways from our expert panel.

Watch the webinar⬇️

Key topics

  • The importance of good quality audits to drive positive outcomes
  • Show and tell of our innovative Audit Management Tool
  • Success Story: HC-One

The webinar, hosted by Gillian Leng, President-Elect at the Royal Society of Medicine and an expert in healthcare transformation, alongside Rhian Bulmer, Chief Partnerships Officer at Radar Healthcare, Mark Fewster, Chief Product Officer at Radar Healthcare, Ellie Jordan, Account Director at Radar Healthcare, and Antony Hall, Director of Regulation at HC-One shed light on the transformative power of healthcare audits.

Meet our panel

  • Gillian Leng

    Non-Executive Director at Radar Healthcare

  • Rhian Bulmer

    Chief Partnerships Officer at Radar Healthcare

  • Mark Fewster

    Chief Product Officer at Radar Healthcare

  • Ellie Jordan

    Account Director at Radar Healthcare

  • Antony Hall

    Director of Regulation at HC-One

"Openness fosters continuous improvement! If you fail to examine, utilise, and communicate insights, they lose their potential impact."

Gillian Leng, Non-Exec Board Member at Radar Healthcare

Success Story: How is HC-One doing it?

Antony Hall, Director of Regulation at HC-One, and former CQC employee, shared insights into their transformative journey with audits. By prioritising quality assurance over mere compliance, HC-One leveraged Radar Healthcare’s audits module to gain meaningful insights into their performance.

“Before partnering with Radar Healthcare, we relied on a mix of paper and digital audits but lacked meaningful insights into our performance. With Radar Healthcare’s audits module, we were able to conduct audits more efficiently and align them with our quality assurance model. This provided us with invaluable insights into areas needing improvement, allowing us to take proactive measures.” – Antony Hall, Director of Regulation

This shift in approach facilitated proactive measures to address areas needing improvement, resulting in nearly 100% audit completion and significant enhancements in service quality. The integration of audits with action planning processes empowered teams at all levels to drive sustainable improvements, exemplifying the profound impact of Radar Healthcare’s Audit Management tool.


The impact of digital healthcare audits within the health and social care industry

In the rapidly evolving world of healthcare, audits have emerged as indispensable tools for maintaining and elevating standards of care and safety. With technological advancements and shifting regulatory environments, there is a pressing need for a robust framework to monitor and evaluate clinical practices and operational procedures. Healthcare audits provide a systematic approach to assess and enhance the delivery of care, driving improvement and fostering openness within organisations.

The webinar’s panelists delved into how healthcare audits wield an incredible ability to enact positive change within organisations.

“We've come to understand that auditing serves both regulatory compliance and quality assurance purposes. Instead of focusing solely on compliance, we've shifted our approach to prioritise quality assurance, aiming to truly understand and improve our practices."

Antony Hall, Director of Regulation at HC-One

Radar Healthcare’s Audit Management capabilities

Embarking on a journey to redefine the approach to healthcare audits, Radar Healthcare introduces its Audit Management tool, a state-of-the-art solution design with and for health and social care professionals to meet the complex demands of today’s industry.

Discover Audits

“Radar Healthcare operates on three pillars: compliance tools, activity tools, and quality assurance tools. These pillars form the foundation for a comprehensive view of quality and safety within the healthcare system, including integration with other data sources through our API adapter. With our Audit Management tool, users can seamlessly navigate audits, gain insights, and drive improvements across the entire ecosystem.”

Rhian Bulmer, Chief Partnerships Officer at Radar Healthcare

Within this webinar, the panel discusses the capabilities of Radar Healthcare’s Audit Management tool, including a show and tell of the module, audits builder, and how analytics plays a part to empower healthcare providers to drive better outcomes and uphold the highest standards of care and safety.

Summary of key benefits

Access anytime, anywhere and on the go ✔️

Action better and safer outcomes during and after an audit ✔️

More time and resources to focus on what really matters ✔️

Flexibility to build audits based on individual needs ✔️

Improved efficiencies and oversight ✔️

Boost performance and regulatory ratings ✔️


Learn more

“Since implementing Radar Healthcare’s audits module, we've achieved nearly 100% audit completion and identified areas for improvement in 30% of cases. This newfound visibility has allowed us to aggregate insights across our organisation and support individual service managers in driving positive change. Overall, our experience with Radar Healthcare's audits module has been incredibly positive, and we look forward to continuing our journey of learning and improvement with this powerful tool.”

Antony Hall, Director of Regulation at HC-One


In conclusion, the webinar underscored the instrumental role of healthcare audits in driving organisational excellence. Through insightful discussions and real-world success stories, attendees gained valuable insights into leveraging audits as catalysts for continuous improvement and quality care delivery.

If you’re interested in discovering how Radar Healthcare can assist your organisation, we encourage you to reach out and book a demo. Our team is eager to showcase the capabilities of our solutions and discuss how they can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Additionally, keep an eye on our events page for upcoming webinars and other opportunities to deepen your understanding of our product offering.

“It's crucial in healthcare, spanning clinical, governance, and data protection to be as transparent as possible. Sharing information drives improvement, and acknowledging mistakes is essential. Encouraging transparency builds trust and fosters continuous improvement."

Webinar attendee

Workforce Compliance module by Radar Healthcare

Q&As from the webinar

Yes. For questions, we have a character limit of 500, and for question groups and section names, it’s 50 characters each.

Yes, certainly! In terms of adding tips and guidance to audits, we have a feature called info elements. These are free text areas where you can input formatted text, including bullet points, links, and even images. This allows you to provide additional guidance directly within the audit. You can choose to include this at the beginning of the audit or on individual questions by using the question mark icon. While info elements are displayed on the page alongside the audit, help features are optional and can be accessed by clicking on the question mark icon for further information.

While we don’t currently have a feature to automatically import NHS national audit templates, you can construct the required structure within our audit framework. Particularly for national audits where data might originate from various sources, we utilise analytics to consolidate this data. This approach ensures comprehensive evidence and assurance across different audit requirements.

Yes, absolutely. When scheduling an audit, you have the option to assign it to a subject. While you still need to select a location, you can then further schedule the audit to a specific individual or user. This could be a service user, patient, or staff member from your predefined lists within Radar Healthcare. By scheduling audits to individuals, you can tailor the audit process to assess their specific roles or responsibilities.

Regarding audits, CQC, and their new single framework assessment, we’re currently developing features within Radar Healthcare to align with this framework. While audits will play a crucial role in providing evidence, we’re also integrating other modules within Radar Healthcare to support this initiative. One aspect involves utilising features like tags to link information directly to the CQC framework. This allows for the creation of dashboards tailored to each element of the framework, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of compliance and performance.

Regarding care inspections in Scotland, while specific plans for this are not currently outlined, the concept of customisable dashboards within Radar Healthcare can easily adapt to accommodate such requirements. Users with access to the builder option have the flexibility to construct their own dashboards tailored to their needs.

Yes, there are future plans for benchmarking results with other organisations. Primarily, this involves incorporating features within Radar Healthcare to facilitate benchmarking based on specific location types, specialties, and service offerings. This will enable users to compare performance metrics between different locations, allowing for valuable insights and improvements.

Additionally, our long-term vision extends beyond mere data comparison. We aim to foster a community space within Radar Healthcare where organisations can share best practices and lessons learned. This collaborative environment will empower users to leverage collective knowledge for continuous improvement and informed decision-making. So, in essence, our plans encompass both data-driven benchmarking capabilities and the establishment of a supportive community platform within Radar Healthcare.

Action Plans within Radar Healthcare are not limited to failed audit questions; they serve a broader purpose. You can create actions regardless of whether a question passes or fails. The Action Plan module allows for versatile linking, enabling you to connect single actions to multiple questions or events.

These actions can be overarching, related to the audit or standalone. Moreover, Action Plans are dynamic documents, continually evolving to reflect current priorities and areas for improvement. By linking actions to events and non-conformities in audits, Radar Healthcare helps prioritise tasks effectively. This ensures that Action Plans are not just repositories of tasks but dynamic tools guiding organisational improvement efforts.

Learn more about Action Plans.

Certainly. Sharing audit results indeed presents both pros and cons. From my perspective, and I believe it’s shared within the HC-One community, there’s a strong belief in the duty to share information for the betterment of the entire healthcare system. By openly sharing audit findings, we contribute to driving systemic improvement, which is crucial for enhancing patient care and safety across the board.

Our approach involves not only sharing within our organisation but also with the wider healthcare community. This ensures everyone can learn from our experiences, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Additionally, sharing insights with primary care networks, for example, enables better collaboration and understanding of the impact various services have on each other.

Of course, there are risks involved, such as opening ourselves to criticism and challenges. However, I believe that the benefits of transparency outweigh these risks. In an ideal world, if all organisations embraced this approach, we could collectively drive significant systemic improvement. As a large provider, HC-One is committed to promoting this ethos of openness and collaboration for the betterment of healthcare systems.

Audit insights and resources